DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) Garment

  • Product Name:
    DVT Garment-Sequential
  • Type:
  • Calf/Thigh Pressure:
    45 / 40 / 35 mmHg
  • Foot Pressure:
    120 mmHg

The MHH DVT system is an external pneumatic compression (EPC) system for the prevention of  DVT. Muscles are rendered ineffective as an assist in venous return during surgery. The MHH DVT pump functions as a secondary pump to propel venous blood out of the deep veins while a patient is undergoing surgical procedures.

The MHH DVT pump produces automatically timed cycles of compressed air. This compressed air forces blood out of the deep veins, helping to prevent slowed or stopped blood flow. Bursts of air are delivered to the specially designed garments wrapped around extremities. This air helps to move blood out of the deep veins and reduce the risk of developing DVT. Garments are lined with tricot fabric to help reduce heat and perspiration.